My House, My Life: Everything You Need to Know

My House, My Life: Everything You Need to Know

By: Olivia Cristina

Now it's even easier to get your own home with government assistance! Learn more about the new Minha Casa, Minha Vida 2023

2024 is the year to finally achieve the dream of owning your own home through the incentive of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida government, which has great news now in the year 2024. In this sense, the new federal administration foresees a large increase in funds to help Brazilians to be able to buy and finance their own home. Are you interested? Let us help you with this article.

How does the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program work?

The government program is based on financing real estate for Brazilians who have a gross income of up to 7 thousand reais per month, where it finances subsidies and leaves interest much lower than any other type of housing financing. In addition, there are still subsidies for some social classes such as single mothers, families with children and those who are in an emergency situation.

In this sense, it is important for you to know that the program fits new, used, rural, urban houses and, in addition, you can use your FGTS as part of the down payment and lower interest rates even further.

Thus, the property only needs to be approved in accordance with Minha Casa, Minha Vida legislation in order to be purchased.

Does everyone have rights?

Unfortunately, not every Brazilian is able to participate in the program. In this sense, it is important that you pay attention to some minimum requirements that are charged by the government. Are they:

  • You must have a minimum income of R$1,800.00 and a maximum of R$7,000.00 (however, this income can be single or family. Depending on each case and types of stable union or number of family members).
  • Have a clean and unrestricted name at Serasa or SPC (Credit Protection Service).

See How Easy It Is To Sign Up!

Enrolling in Minhas Casa, Minha Vida is very easy and an entire simulation can be done through a website so you can have an idea of the values required for entry, installments, number of installments and likewise the values of the installments.

Click here to do your simulation.

Then, after doing your simulation, just accept it and go to a Caixa branch with your personal documents in hand (RG, identity card, proof of income and documents of the property you want to buy, such as a plan and evaluation by an authorized engineer ) and request analysis. After the bank analyzes your financing request, just sign the contract and start paying your installments.

It is worth remembering that the money may take a while to fall (the deadline is informed before signing) and documents such as blueprints and engineers' evaluations may be required. In this sense, it is ideal that you have an amount reserved for these costs that are not included in the financing.

After all, did you like to know more about how to get your house through the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program? Tell us here in the comments and don't forget to send it to your friends and family to stay on top of it.

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