Curiosities About Corpus Christi - Bible5 - Your informative site

Curiosities About Corpus Christi

By: Olivia Cristina


Do you know what Corpus Christi is? Ever heard of Corpus Christi? Want to know more about Corpus Christi? What is it and what does it mean? Come with us and we'll tell you here on the blog.

What is Corpus Christi?

Corpus Christi is one of the most famous religious festivals celebrated here in Brazil. The date of its realization was established by the pope, in memory of the risen Jesus Christ. The event celebrates the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and has become one of the most common themes in the churches of the Roman Catholic Church.

Currently, the body and blood of Christ passes in a procession with priests, seminarians, altar boys and other members of the clergy who pass along a path with faithful of the diocese. In some dioceses, the faithful decorate the corridor where the Blessed Sacrament will pass with flowers, drawings, sawdust and decorations associated with the passage of Jesus.

In addition, it is quite common for the faithful to perform prayers and chants during the passage of Corpus Christi.

What is the Meaning of Corpus Christi?

Corpus Christi, religious festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The date is a reference to the presentation of Jesus Christ to the disciples on the beach of Bethsaida, in Galilee, on March 26. The day after his death passed in secret between Jesus and the apostles.

The first procession was made in 1264, preceded by Pope Urban IV who reported the miracle of Bolsena. The feast of Corpus Christi takes place 60 days after the celebration of Easter.

Here in Brazil it is a national holiday, and is celebrated by all Catholic churches in Brazil in a similar way.

Customs of Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi festivities are famous for their customs. In some cities streets and houses are decorated to appreciate the passage of the body and blood of Jesus.

However, with the current and growing expansion of shopping centers and consequently the traffic, some cities no longer carry out the procession in the streets, but inside the church itself, as the procession is impracticable.

Faith, Love and Devotion

What is Corpus Christi? Corpus Christi is a religious feast around the love of God. It is known for its popular celebrations, where people ask God for forgiveness for their sins. The purpose of the party is to remember the importance of love and devotion to God. 

The three pillars of Corpus Christi are faith, love and devotion.

We must have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and believe his words of love with us. The Love of Jesus is the greatest proof of love that the human being could receive, because he died on the cross to give us eternal salvation in the kingdom of heaven.

Therefore, it is important to be devoted to the love of Jesus, because only he can lead us to true happiness and give us a dignified life full of joy.

After all, did you like to know more about Corpus Christi? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

Passionate about literature and technology. Delving into the Bible and religious themes, she bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and youth culture. Writing is your conversation with the world.