Discover How the Free Dental Implant by SUS Works

Discover How the Free Dental Implant by SUS Works

By: Olivia Cristina

Now SUS offers free dental implants and you can be one of them!

Have you ever thought that through SUS (Unified Health System), you can get the dental implant of your dreams for free? ! That's right, you can transform your smile and self-esteem with brand new natural teeth.

Smiling Brazil Program

Brazilians have the habit of taking care of their teeth since childhood, but a series of oral diseases can lead to tooth loss and even bring serious consequences to a person's life.

In this sense, the recommendation of the Brazilian Dental Association is that all Brazilians visit the dentist at least twice a year. However, not everyone has the financial conditions to pay for dental treatment and, thinking about it, Sus created the Brasil Sorridente program, which guarantees dentists the most diverse procedures, now also including implants.

Therefore, the objective of the program is to ensure that Brazilians have good oral health and avoid the problems and pain associated with this matter.

Procedures Offered by the Program

In addition to all the basic dental items such as cleaning, caries removal, extractions, restorations, among others, the program offers a list of items considered more expensive. Are they:

  • restorations
  • wisdom teeth extraction
  • biopsies
  • endodontics
  • Dental prosthesis on implant
  • appliance installation
  • Osseointegrated dental implant
  • tartar removal
  • orthognathic surgery
  • And many other conventional procedures common in dental clinics

However, despite being a right offered by the state, it is up to the municipality to separate and manage the funds allocated for this purpose. In this sense, not every city has a place and a specialized professional, being necessary to be sent to another city and wait in the queue according to the demand in the region.

Understand how a dental implant works

Basically, it is a solid foundation surgically implanted in the jawbone to replace “lost” teeth. It can be removable or fixed and replaces the old “dentures”.

Find out if you are eligible for a dental implant

SUS is the right of every Brazilian without distinction of color, race, sex, age and social status. However, while it is a right, simply wanting dental implants is not enough.

In this sense, to request an implant, you must check with your city hall or on the link, if there is service in your region. Afterwards, just go to the medical center (called USB or PSF) with your documents (RG, SUS card and proof of residence) and request an evaluation from the dentist.

Then, after this evaluation (if indicated by the dentist), you will enter a queue and wait, which works like any other SUS queue. Thus, more urgent cases, priorities, risks, etc. will be analyzed.

After all, did you like to know more about the possibility of placing a dental implant through the SUS? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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