Religious Symbols and Their Meanings - Bible5 - Your information site

Religious Symbols and Their Meanings

By: Olivia Cristina


Religion is a complex system of beliefs and practices that a person follows, in addition to having their own philosophy of life. Have you ever heard of religious symbols? They can be found everywhere, including in churches, temples and religious articles. If you want to know more about the meanings of religious symbols, keep reading this article and we'll bring you some information.

What Are Religious Symbols?

Religious symbols are images, words or gestures that, for some, represent a certain idea or concept of religiosity. According to the religion to which they adhere, religious symbols can have different meanings. Some examples include the colors of watercolor, the five elements of nature and the seven virtues or have relationships with sacred books.

Six Pointed Star

The Six Pointed Star symbol is known as a religious symbol. It is used to represent the union between God and his followers. Therefore, it is used both in the Jewish religion and in Christianity as a whole. This symbol can be seen most prominently at Pentecost, when Christians further celebrate God's union with his congregation. The purpose of Pentecost is to show everyone that Jesus is alive and working in our lives.

Basically the six-pointed star represents the union of God with his disciples.


Cross means protection, love and faith. It is also a religious hierarchy, a symbol of power and pain, and a standard or flag of a nation. In many places you can find crucifixes with Jesus representing his love when you died on the cross.

In addition, the cross demonstrates the suffering Jesus had to save us and how great his love for us was. Furthermore, she reveals how great God's love is, as he saw his son being crucified and killed for saving us from sin.

Crescent moon

The Crescent Moon is a religious symbol that represents the arrival of spring. It appears in Brazilian indigenous culture and is used for religious festivals, such as Carnival and Festas de São João.


Sol, the Sun of Beginnings, is the best-known religious symbol. It is primarily used in the Catholic Church, but is also found in other churches. The meaning of the Sun has changed over time and it continues to be used for different purposes. It is used to represent Beginnings, or Faith. Catholics believe that the Sun is the redeemed Christ, and that He came to give us eternal hope. Pentecostals use the sun as a symbol of God's promise to heal the sick and set the prisoners free.

Wheel with Eight Spokes

The symbol of eight rays has a religious origin, being used in Egyptian mythology, where it represented divine power. However, it is also used as a symbol of protection and strength. The eight spokes can be seen in various forms, such as stars or bridges.

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Passionate about literature and technology. Delving into the Bible and religious themes, she bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and youth culture. Writing is your conversation with the world.