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Facts about Saint John

By: Olivia Cristina


Do you know or have you heard about São João? Want to know more about Saint John? Do you want to know what his teachings were for Christians? So come with us and we'll talk right below in the post.

Who was Saint John?

São João is the name we have to give to the patron saint of Boa Viagem. He was considered a saint around the year 400 and may have been a very ancient figure. Saint John was a poor man who had to make a long journey to the Fiji Islands, where he received the grace of victory over the pagans. After his death, his followers saw in his ashes the flames of the bonfire where he had been cremated and believed that he was alive and continued to protect his faithful.

It is possible that the name Saint John is derived from the Greek word Santi(o)os, meaning “holy”.

Importance of Saint John to the Roman Catholic Church

São João is celebrated in the month of June, where the church is adorned and celebrates its blessings and intercessions to God the Almighty Father.

Saint John's Day is one of the most important days of the Catholic Church. It is a day whose main manifestation is the celebration of the holy sacrament.

Currently, São João has been a great example for believers of how they should be in relation to God and people who need some assistance, whether financial, psychological or Catholic.

Teachings of Saint John

1. Saint John is the patron saint of children and adolescents.

2. He was considered the most beloved saint by the Portuguese.

3. The name of St. John means “Lord of Tabernacles”.

4. The feast of São João is celebrated in June.

5. It is tradition for parents to surprise children on the feast of São João.

Saint John's festival

Facts about Saint John

On June 25th, the date of Santo, the end of the rainy season and the arrival of summer throughout Brazil is celebrated. Therefore, it is natural that the residents of São João do Pará, especially the poor, held a special party to celebrate the saint. The party starts in the morning, when the poor come asking the owners of the big houses to serve food for their families. The owners of the houses usually deliver a plate of soup and a piece of cake to each of the visitors. Then the residents take the pots and utensils needed for the party. 

Currently the party is held in several regions of Brazil, mainly in the South and Southeast in the form of a June party, with little flags, typical food and square dancing. In addition, the release of fireworks and balloons is quite common.

Some faithful even raise money to help noble causes.

After all, did you like to know more about São João? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share with your friends and family.

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Passionate about literature and technology. Delving into the Bible and religious themes, she bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and youth culture. Writing is your conversation with the world.